Is there a way to create a "person who completed" custom field?

I want to know if there is a way to create an automated custom field that would show the person who completed said task on a completed task list. I am in trial right now and if this is possible with a custom rule and flowsana we may upgrade.

Welcome, @anon82179136,

This is not possibly natively in Asana, I’m afraid.

Asana2Go (disclaimer: I’m the creator) does offer access to “completed by” but you’d have to modify one of the standard reports into a custom one (quick, one-time thing) to use it.

Maybe @Phil_Seeman can weigh in about his

Hope that helps,


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Does Asana2Go work in the app or just the webapp?

@anon82179136, Asana2Go only works in the web app, not the desktop app.



Flowsana has a Completion Date variable that can be written into a text custom field, but not a Completed By variable. Not sure why I never added one for “Completed By” (it was never requested before, for one thing) but I think I’m going to add it. @anon82179136 at that point you could create a Flowsana rule like “When a task is completed, modify its Completed By custom field (or whatever you want to call that custom field) to {task.CompletedBy}”.

Having said that, you can also use Larry’s Asana2Go as a solution, as he mentions!

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Awesome, thanks for the response. If you end up adding that feature I would love to know!

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It’s been added! There are now two new variables in Flowsana’s Variable Substitution:
{task.CreatedBy} and {task.CompletedBy}

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