Is there a rule I can set that will assign a task based on a submission form answer?

Is there a rule I can set that will assign a task based on a submission form answer?


You can create a rule to do this based on responses associated with single select & multi select custom fields.

These fields must be used to create the form otherwise there will not be an option to create a rule with them.


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That is how I created it but it still won’t work


If you are able to post a screenshot of your rule I may be able to provide further assistance.


Are all of these fields linked to the form? Are they all required form fields?


Your rule will never fire because the trigger is effectively saying “If Company is W and is X and is Y and is Z” and that will never be true. Just use one of those four in combination with the first trigger. If you need to, add three more similar rules to handle each of the other Company values.



@Blake_Floyd , you can also try changing the setting at the top of your triggers that says ‘When ALL of these triggers happen’ to ‘When ANY of these triggers happen’ instead!
But you may want to remove the first trigger so this rule would apply to all rules added to the project, either via form or manual creation.
Otherwise, if that doesn’t work for you, follow @lpb 's advice above.

@Richard_Sather – this is what I was on my way back here to say. When I looked at it again, I think it needs to be different rules for each company because the trigger also makes reference to the form and the form trigger is important. I think this is a form AND company a OR b which we can’t do yet. Would you agree with that approach?

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You are absolutely right @Christine_Bolton ! 
thus my suggestion to fall-back on @lpb 's solution. :slight_smile:


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