Inbox notification for changed due date


I really appreciate, If there will be notification in inbox when someone change due date for task. Why there is no notification like this?

Thank you

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hey @Jan_Mejsnar, as far as I know you don’t get a notification when someone changes the due date of a task.

Yes!!! this is needed in Asana, is a critical change in a project, and the team must be aware.

You will receive a notification if someone changes the due date of a task assigned to YOU.

If you also want to know if someone changes the due date in a certain project you could agree with the team that people write a comment and give a short explanation. All collaborators of the task will be informed.
Moreover, you will always find the changed due date in the task history.

Hope this helps a bit.


Hi @Sebastian_Paasch,

yes, I know, when I receive a notification if someone changes the due date of a task assigned to me as well as I have set awaiting on task.

Yes, I told my colleagues to write a comment when they change due date with explanation, but somebody do not do it time to time, so if I get notification it would be more reliable.

Thank you


Thanks Sebastian. I’ve recommended what you say, but unfortunately sometimes people don’t comment the change.

Hi folks! If you’d like to see this feature I recommend that you add to the Push Notifications at Due Time thread in our Product Feedback section. While the request you have here isn’t directly aligned to the push notifications thread, they are related enough that your request applies and we’ll make note of it.

Not sure I understand the problem correctly, but I think I have the same one.
A colleague assigns a task he created to me, I change the due date, and he does not receive notification of this.
This really is a problem. I have been digging, but can’t find settings enabling this.


If assigned task to someone and had set up Hard Due Date, that I want Assignee not to touch (i.e. to be notified if she/he does this), I do the following:

  1. initiate creation of Followup task for myself ( Shift+Tab+F )
  2. edit title appropriately, to highlight that the only action I am expected on the task to monitor Due Date updates.
  3. create the task
  4. setup task dependency to depend upon task being monitored:
    1. In Dependencies section press Add dependency.
    2. Change type to Blocking
    3. Enter name or URL of the task being monitored.

From this point on Asana will bring notification to my Inbox if:

  • task being monitored has its Due Date changed for me to react appropriately.
  • task is completed, for me to close/delete the monitoring task.
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(FYI not sure why this thread was ever left in Developers & API but I just moved it to Tips & Tricks.)

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Would love to see this feature come to light. @Phil_Seeman any other work arounds for getting notified when due dates are changed?

Is there any update on this? Would really appreciate this feature.

I will also like this feature! It’s important.

I would also love this feature! It would help so much to get a notification on my Asana Inbox if in a task that I’m collaborator with changes it’s due date!