Improving Asana-Slack native integrations

Hi, I was checking out the Asana-Slack integrations, but it fell short of my needs to use it well. The current integration setup shows too much un-necessary notifications/information, while not showing me the core (contents of comments) and ability to archive within slack.

Ideally, I like the following information in slack channel.

  1. Show content of comments from members on the Asana task
  2. Ability to archive in Slack, and it will archive it from my personal Asana inbox (not from the team).
  3. Customize which notifications to show in Slack
  4. Commenting on the task in Slack will sync the comment into Asana task.

Hi @Vincent1, welcome to the Asana Community Forum and thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us!

We already have a couple of feedback threads on these topics, I suggest you to add your vote to support these requests here:

In regards to the ability to archive in Slack, it’d be very helpful if you create a new thread in our #productfeedback and add more details about this specific feature and a use case. This will allow other users to support your request as well!

I hope this helps!