The invite failed every time I tried to assign the user (outside the workspace/organization) to a task.
Is there any limitation or permission issue with user (when assigning to the task) ?
The invite failed every time I tried to assign the user (outside the workspace/organization) to a task.
Is there any limitation or permission issue with user (when assigning to the task) ?
Could you first try sharing the project with the external user.
@somatest744 - Did you try doing this in the platform using the “Invite [email]” option that appears when you type in the assignee field? Or did you make an API call using an email address?
Hi @Stephen_Li, I tried with “Invite [email]” option.
If user is outside of your workspace then invite failed.
I need to assign specific task to a user (outside the workspace/organization), that user should not have access to the workspace or the project.
Can we see some screenshots of where you are doing this action please?
As @Bastien_Siebman said, screenshots would be helpful.
Also, when you say “the invite failed”, can you be more specific? What tells you that it failed?
Hi @Phil_Seeman and @Bastien_Siebman
Endpoint -{task_gid}
Response -
“errors”: [
“message”: “assignee: Not a user in Workspace: {workspace_id}”,
“help”: “For more information on API status codes and how to handle them, read the docs on errors: Errors”
This is very confusing. You told Stephen you weren’t using the API but then posted an API endpoint and a JSON response; but also posted a UI message that doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen within Asana. Maybe someone else can make sense of it…
Maybe this is an obvious statement, but if someone isn’t a user - that is, a member or a guest - within a workspace/organization, you won’t be able to assign a task to them. Are you trying to assign a task to someone who is a user in some other different workspace/organization?