I suggest you should add a shortcut to delete task (and sub task) in the list

Hi team,

This platform is awesome, I love it.

When I use your platform (trial), I was confused a little bit on the list of tasks.

In the list tasks, when I want to delete a task, I must go to this task first, then click on menu dropdown, then select delete. There are 3 steps to do this.

If you can add a shortcut in the list tasks, I can do it in only one step

What do you think about this?


The same for sub task but plus more one step to delete sub task :smiley:

Hi @Bon and welcome to the Forum :wave:t3:

We already have a shortcut allowing you delete tasks and subatsks from your task list: Tab-BKSP. You can learn more about it in this handy article.

Hope this helps! Have a great Monday :slight_smile: