I am a having trouble activating my Premium trial

I signed up for premium trial but am unable to use the features. I checked with sales but they were unable to see our account. Has anyone had a similar issue? Is there a wait before the trial is activated?

Hi @Chandra_Stephens-Alb and sorry for the trouble here! Our Sales Team (you spoke with via chat) does not have access to billing information, and is not in the best position to help here! Unfortunately, because of privacy issues, we can’t resolve this kind of issue via the Forum either.

I’ve liaised with our support team and can confirm they have received your query via email and will be in touch very shortly to assist you with your trial! Again apologies for all the trouble here, and thanks for reaching out via the Forum! Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!

I am all set! The sales team was very responsive and got us set up.


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Great news! Thank you so much for keeping me posted :slight_smile: