How to Use Asana as a Database (Project Management)

Recently, I’ve been thinking about using Asana as a database.

Specifically, it’s as follows:
・Work: date, person in charge, property (link to project), content, subcontractor
・Trouble: date of occurrence, content, cause, countermeasure, level (complaint, defect, near miss)
・Subcontract: company name, address, email address, past requested property (link), past trouble (link)
・Customer: company name, contract property (link), trouble (link)
・Technical information: tool catalog, paint pamphlet, trouble (link)

Good points:
・Card format (reference Relational database)
・Detailed explanations can be written
・Easy to sort, filter, search
・Easy to link between data
・Link address of data can be sent by email, etc.
・Easy to attach any number of files to data

Original Post: Asanaをデータベースとして使う

References: Client database for Asana?

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