I’ve successfully duplicated a project and set the color via the API, but how to I set the color for everyone?
Thanks for your help, Steve
I’ve successfully duplicated a project and set the color via the API, but how to I set the color for everyone?
Thanks for your help, Steve
Not possible, I’m afraid:
very disappointing. I was expecting the color to be inherited by the duplicated project from the Template (which it did not) and then expected the color to be set for everyone by default (which it did not).
Hi Phil, do you (or anyone else) know if you still can’t set the color for everyone via the API? I struggle to understand how the “Set for Everyone” checkbox in the UI works if it isn’t an API parameter. I see no mention of this flag or support for the new custom project icons in the API documentation though.
Hi @danbrown,
No, sorry, setting the color for everyone is still not supported in the API.
Also the API does not currently have any support for the new custom project icons.
I haven’t heard anything from the API team to indicate those will be added. @Joe_Trollo @Ross_Grambo, anything new to report on either of these items?
Thanks for the reply, Phil. I am always a bit surprised when API compatibility isn’t built at the same time as a new UI feature, but it sounds like that might be the case here. I get that Asana is primarily UI driven so that might account for it. Would really appreciate input from the others you’ve looped in here.
I haven’t heard anything about adding this to the API yet. I’ll make sure it’s in their backlog.
@Ross_Grambo any news on this matter ?
Hi @Thomas_LEVEIL,
FYI Ross is no longer with Asana.
cc: @AndrewWong who is essentially his successor on the DevRel team.
I’d be super interested in this feature being added to the API as well. We are heavily automating our task/project intake process and not being able to automate the color/icon makes it very hard to differentiate projects at the portfolio level
Hello, I am really interested as well. I think this feature would help a lot of users
Hi there, i will also appreciate if you color change for everyone in the API
I would also like to see this feature in the Asana API.
I would also like to see this feature in the Asana API.