💡 How to notify an entire team of a high priority item coming in?

On the Asana forum, a user submitted the following situation.

:thinking: We have a job submission form which our clients use to send us work. The form captures all the job details and creates a task. I would like a notification to be triggered when the client chooses a High priority, so that ALL our team members are made aware that an urgent job has come in.

:bulb: Solution 1

If you don’t already have one, create an empty project with the entire team members as project members. And select « Notify of new tasks » in the member notification settings. Then in the request project, create a rule that multi-homes any high priority request into the team project.

:bulb: Solution 2

You can set up a rule that adds every single team member as a collaborator whenever an item coming in has a high priority

The benefit of the solution 1 is that it could be used to work with other projects as well.

Any other good solution out there?

Edit: see solution 3 from Daniel46 using tags!

:fr: Version Française


:bulb:Solution 3: tag it! :label:

In addition to Solution 2 you can include adding a tag „Urgent“ :red_circle: in your rule.

The advantage of tags is that they work across all projects plus they can be saved as a favorite search :mag: in your Asana menu.

This creates a space for your urgent tasks and (with the according rule) notifies everyone about it.


I use the priority tags on almost every task to show whether a task is a low priority or a fire queue. Then I add anyone that should be notified as a collaborator. This way they are notified of changes on the task and can see whether they have action items and when they are due.

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It all depends on how the team is structured.
From experience the combination of custom fields and custom names for User Stories/Tasks is the easiest and most efficient solution.

Another possibility is an additional priority board (in boardview) or section (in list view) for high priority User Stories/Tasks in the existing project in combination with a custom rule set like [Bastien_Siebman] mentioned

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I almost always utilise the priority tags to indicate if a work is high priority or in the fire queue. I then add everyone who needs to be informed as a collaborator. This way they are notified of changes on the task and can see whether they have action items and when they are due.
Regards picsapkstudio

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The priority tags are nearly always used by me to indicate if a task is high priority or in the fire queue. I then add as a collaborator everyone who needs to be notified. They can see if they have action items and when they are due, as well as be informed of changes to the task.

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