I have a parent task with several subtasks. I have restructured the project and have no replaced the parent task as a section header. I am struggling with how to now make all the subtasks of my original parent tasks their own parent task under the new section. I have tried to drag and drop and looked through menus. I can find ‘make a subtask of’ but not a way convert the subtask to its own parent task. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
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Hi @Hollis_English,
It’s true that you can’t drag and drop a subtask to be a task directly in the project list view, but you can drag and drop it if you select the parent task to show its detail pane on the right-hand side, then grab the subtask in that detail pane and drag it to the left over to the list view and drop it where you want it.
ok excellent thank you so much! Thank is just what I needed. much appreciated.
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@Hollis_English, And @Phil_Seeman’s instructions also work when you need to “promote” multiple subtasks at once–just multi-select them; when you drag and drop they’ll all move together.