How to ensure my team meets deadlines and monitors tasks effectively? đź””

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about a crucial topic:
“How do we ensure our team meets deadlines and stays on top of tasks?” :thinking:

It’s something that affects us all, right?

I’ve started creating a series of short videos titled “What’s Possible in Asana” where I dive into various innovative ways to map out workflows and boost our productivity. :movie_camera::bulb:
It’s all about making our work life smoother and more efficient.

Check out the first video of this series here:

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!

I’m here to help, not to sell. If your mid-sized to large company needs clear-cut Asana implementation support, just book a time on my calendar: Calendly - Simon Logé

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I believe training people on the ins and outs of My Tasks is the #1 key :slight_smile:

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Also important ,yes :slight_smile: