How to create a priority rule from a form automatically?

Hello all,

How can I create a priority rule from a form to match my team’s priority matrix?
We saw another team that have a cool automation where depending on what kind of answer we select within their form, Asana calculates a matrix number that automatically assigns the priority of the task based on that matrix number.

I fill out the form saying that:
The entitlement of my request is 10k
The audience for my request is a “large scale within the company”
My team needs this task to be completed by 3/15

I submit the form, and right in front of my eyes I see Asana wizarding my responses and turning it into a number (Example 48)

However, the team have their matrix, 48 placed my request into a medium priority.

Anyone knows how to do that?

Hi @Gisele_Osorio_Duque, welcome to the Asana Forum! I believe you can achieve this by setting a rule with the following trigger, condition and actions:

You can learn more about Rules in this article:

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

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