How do I assign new members to teams ( I am and Admin)

When I invite new team members to Asana I don’t have the ability to add them to their respective teams, I can only add them to a general team. I need to add them to sales, customer success, etc.
What can I do here?

Hi @anon29718849, welcome to the community forum and thanks for reaching out!

If you are an Admin in your Organization, you can access your Admin Console to invite new members and you’ll also have the option to invite them to join a team in your Organization.

You can also access the Team Settings and add users directly to each team they need to be part of.

I hope this helps but please let me know if you have any questions!

Well it does not let me choose a team even though we have many teams
It only lets me add to 3 teams and I can’t invite them to the sales teams or customer support teams

Thanks for the extra information @anon29718849!

It seems you are not member of the sales teams and customer support teams. However, since you are an Admin, you can access the team’s permissions and invite users to the teams following these steps:

  1. Please access the Teams tab in your Admin Console

  2. Select “Edit Team” to access the Team settings

  1. Access the Members tab and click “Invite More Members”

Let me know if that works!