Hiding tasks in "my tasks" with filters

I have some tasks which I have been assigned as they relate to me, such as a PTO and holiday tracker for our team. I want to filter the tasks in “my tasks” to ignore tasks from a specific project. Is this possible? I know I could un-assign myself from the task and add a custom field with my name in it as a placeholder to stop the task being assigned, or I could simply add a section at the bottom, add the task to the section, and then collapse it, but are there alternative methods to hide the task.

Hi @Ibrahim_Goksu,

Here are a couple of options:

  1. Don’t use assignee, but use a different (people) field. You can filter the project to only display that field to minimise the chance people use the assignee field.
  2. Use a single custom field My task filter with a value *hide. Steps to implement:
  • Create a rule that applies this field to all new tasks in these projects (If you have Enterprise[+] use a bundle when you have multiple projects)
  • Add this value to all the existing tasks in these projects.

Hi Jan,
Thank you for your reply.
I am slightly confused with the rule you mention.
Just to clarify, I have a project for PTO and a task as the persons name and the due date as their PTO date and the assignee being the team member who is taking leave. See photo for reference. Some team members do not want this to show in their “my tasks” section. I understand I can filter the project view to remove certain people or only show certain people, but can this be done in the “my tasks” section of asana? I know if i remove the assignee field and create custom single-select with their names I can filter the project (i think this is what you are saying in point 1) but how do you create a rule which applies to tasks being assinged to you in the “my tasks” section.

Thanks again and I apologise if you have already explained it. If this is possible can you lead me through how to create that rule? Thanks!

Tis would be option one: You could use a people custom field (requested by) instead. No assignee means it doesn’t show up in anyone’s My tasks. An alternative is to use a single select custom field to indicate for who the request is. (not for filtering)

This is option two.

  • The field would be general, and the My task filter custom (library) field would not require different values for different people. Just hide for the people who’d want to hide it from their My tasks, and show for people who’d want to show it.
  • A rule to automatically add hide could work on the PTO project and others like it
  • I realise you’d also need a show value, as you can only filter for positives (does contain) and not for negatives (doesn’t contain)
  • People could add a rule to my tasks that “when My task filter is empty” always adds the show value
  • People would need to add this field to their My tasks, and filter to only see My task visibility fields that have show
  • You could also add this field as a question in a form for the PTO requests and ask if they want it to show up in their tasks.

I should warn you, this setup is quite labour intensive and will trigger a lot of rules. This might become an issue if you have a plan with rule limits. (non Enterprise plans)

I’d advise to go for option 1 as it is simpler, and use a different people field instead of the assignee field. People could choose which they’d want to use.

Sadly, Populating Person Fields from a Form - which would help with filling this field automatically - is not possible a.t.m. An alternative could be to use a single select field for the requester instead of a people field.

Now that I think of it, that might be the better option as it would allow for a single rule to choose to populate the Assignee field for those that want to see them in their My tasks.

Does that solve your issue?