I’ve been using Zapier for business automation for a while now with good results. We’re moving over from Basecamp to Asana for project management and there are some things I need to automate that the Zapier interface doesn’t support, but the Asana API does allow.
For example, it looks like the Asana API allows for creating sections within a project. While I can’t do that with the native Zapier+Asana integration, it looks like I can interface with the Asana API directly if I use Webhooks through Zapier.
Right now I’m trying to get my bearings and just do some basic things with the API so I can branch out from there. I’ve already created a Personal Access Token and have been able to run basic commands through Terminal, such as: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 0/1234567890” https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/users/me
However, when I try to perform a simple /users/me call through Zapier I am getting stuck with authentication problems. Here’s what the data entry fields in Zapier looks like:
Unfortunately, when I send through this data as a test it comes back with a “Not Authorized” error:
I think it would work if I cleared out the “data” field and just replaced the URL field with something like this (below), but I don’t think I have the syntax correct:
If I wanted to run the users/me call in a new private browser window, not already logged in through Asana, but authenticating via the URL only, what would that syntax look like? I can’t seem to find any documentation on that.
Thanks very much for any help you can provide.