HELP: My master task list disappeared, as well as another task list and it was not deleted by me


A few things:

  1. Where is it possible for me to speak with live support on this? I could really use some in person assistance with my issue.
  2. I recently logged on, and all of my former task lists are gone. This does not make any sense to me. Even if I had deleted them somehow, i did not receive the notification to my email that something had been deleted. Would really appreciate assistance in how to restore them!


Welcome, @Lily_Berger,

Is it possible you’re not looking at the correct workspace/organization where you created these projects?

In the top right of any Asana page, click your profile image/initials and at the top of the menu that appears, make sure the checkmark is beside the workspace/org where your projects are.

I’m afraid there’s no live support, but if your problem persists you can email



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