Hello from Integromat!

Hi there, beautiful Asana folks! :wave:

My name is Michaela and I’m a Solutions Specialist at Integromat.

I’ve been a member of this lovely community for a couple of weeks and I just love how helpful and supportive everyone is. Since I get attached very easily and therefore consider you all my friends, I thought I might as well jump in and say hi. So - Hi, how’s everyone doing?

We all love Asana, that goes without saying (and we all love the celebration creatures :unicorn:).

I strongly believe that Asana’s power shines the most when you get to connect it with other processes and apps and create your own lil’ productivity ecosystem.

There are, of course, countless native integrations which serve these purposes perfectly, that’s no shocker.

I was, however, wondering whether some of you guys have any experience automating/integrating Asana with Integromat? Any processes you love to automate? Any processes you would love to automate but are not sure how?

Feel free to share in the comments below and have an awesome day! :four_leaf_clover:

just two final links for potential reference:

for the currently available Asana triggers, actions and pre-made templates

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Hi @Michaela_S, thanks for saying hello! We are so happy to have you in the Asana Community Forum! :wave:t2:

Hi Michaela and thanks again for your help updating the Automation Bible!

Hi @Michaela_S,

Nice to have you here!

It’s great to have a direct resource available here to an integration platform like Integromat - so much better than us having to give the generic response of “you’ll have to contact [fill in integration platform name]'s support for that question”!

Hi @Rebecca_McGrath, lovely to meet you, and thanks for the warm welcome. I’m super happy to be here!

Hey @Bastien_Siebman, great to ‘see’ you again! It was my absolute pleasure to bring my bit to the table!

Hello @Phil_Seeman, great to meet you! If you’re ever looking for an Integromat insight, feel totally free to tag me and I’ll be happy to chime in!

Happy Friday, everyone :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi, Michaela!

Thanks for the introduction! We just integrated our Asana with Integromat a couple of weeks ago, and it’s been really great. We had the help of a consultant to help us find a way to send clients formatted emails when certain milestones are hit in their project. It works great, but with Asana’s noisy webhooks, it sends two exact emails when we fire them off. I am hoping to find a way to filter out the second firing, but I’m struggling. Do you have any ideas on a quick fix? I’m still pretty new to Integromat. I made a post about it here:

Hi @anon11836725!

I am stoked to hear that you’ve integrated with us and that you find Integromat useful :slightly_smiling_face:

As for the webhook issue you’re facing, I would suggest storing your completed tasks in Integromat’s data store or in a Google Sheet spreadsheet (integration page - featuring all currently available triggers, actions, and templates) after you send the email.

Before you go and send out a new email, you would then perform a search and pass data only if there are no records returned.


Funny I just emailed you to find out if you contacted the Zapier experts I sent over, looks like you went to the competition :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi @Michaela_S I am looking to see if I can get asana to integrate with my google calendars + Any.Do to-do list app on my iphone but to have 2-way sync. Ideally I’d love any asana task that has a time to be synced to my Google calendars and when I check it off in either place they’re both removed as ‘completed’. And the same with Any.Do which is currently not a supported app on Integromat. I’m just trying to find the perfect solution so that I’m not needing to check the same items off in multiple locations. Thank you

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Hello there @Dil :wave:

Generally speaking, you can connect services that are not yet on Integromat using our universal HTTP module .

The thing is the one condition to connect apps to Integromat is for them to have public API. I’m looking at Any.Do and the only (unofficial) API documentation I found is :arrow_right: here.

Judging from what I see, it seems that you need to install the API locally to your server/pc, and only then you can work with it. That, unfortunately, means that Any.Do’s API does not let you connect to Integromat.

Hi there,

I am an Asana lover but new to Integromat. I am looking for a way to automate when a project’s end date is added, to send that information to google sheets. We are tracking which projects were completed on time and which were not. I have been trying to set up a webhook by portfolio but am running into trouble when it asks for “Resource Type” and “Resource Sub Type”. There’s no drop down, so I am just guessing and then get errors saying it’s invalid. Any advice?



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Hi there @alex59 thanks for the question! :slightly_smiling_face:

Unfortunately, webhooks are a no-go here because they need to be tied to a specific project. That’s a limitation in the Asana API.

What you could do instead is regularly list ‘Projects’, get their statuses, and then take it from there.

You could export all projects to a Google Sheet and have the project rows updated appropriately when a project is completed. Or add new projects to the sheet when they appear.

It’s important to note here that this might get expensive in operations if there are many projects to go through.

Hope this helps!

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Hello, I’m new here and nice to meet you :slight_smile:
I’m studying automation right now and as part of studying the make system I need to send an email with an embedded image (not as an attachment) and a dynamic field in it. (The image itself will have a value that changes). I know the Gmail module but can’t find how to attach an image and create a dynamic field in it?
Would love your help,
Thank you!!

I can’t even seem to create a proper connection through Asana. It fails every time, so I’m obviously doing something wrong. Help!