Global custom fields not retaining values when saved as template

It seems that custom fields seem to be losing the selected values on each task when the project is saved as a template.

Here’s the evidence:
Test project with 2 tasks, with the role global field with a selected value for each task

Then, after saving as a template, the field values are gone:

Anyone else experiencing this?


Hi @Bryan_TeamKickstart , I also experienced this on Friday on a call with a client. The (one and only) single-select custom field’s values were blank when saved as a template.

I was certain it was unexpected behaviour at the time, but didn’t think to investigate further. Definitely a bug!

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Hi @Bryan_TeamKickstart and @Richard_Sather, thank you for flagging this issue. I haven’t been able to replicate it on my end. Is the problem intermittent, or does it affect every project template you create?

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@Vanessa_N - thanks for responding.
It’s happening every time. But it does seem it’s only happening w/ global fields. Local, project-only fields seem to populate.

Also, I just tested and it seems to be happening in my clients’ accounts as well.

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Hi @Bryan_TeamKickstart, thanks for the additional information! I’ve been able to replicate this on my end with the global fields, so I’m escalating the case to our Developers!


ALERT: Do NOT click on the spam link posted above by @Allene_Brick – clearly inserted in a effort to trick into clicking. @Allene_Brick - this isn’t the place for that.