Custom field data not showing in "MY TASKS"

I am wondering why, when I look at “my tasks” and set up the fields to look the same as my projects, the data from those fields does not populate from my project tasks into the “my tasks” section…

Hi @Ariana_Napoletano - good question. That’s what I do as well, choose certain fields I want to see from my projects.

Could you go to one of the custom fields in your My Tasks, click the dropdown, and click “Edit Field” or “Edit Options” and see what the checkboxes at the bottom say?

The first checkbox should be an option to add the field to your field library.
If that is UNchecked, then that means you have it set as a local field (only available in your My Tasks) and that also means that field is not the same one as in your project.

For example, if you have a field in your project, and you’ve called it “Task Status” and it has 5 options, and you create that same field in your My Tasks, even if the field names and options match, they are not the same field.

Could you check and either let me know or share a screenshot?

Here’s the checkbox I’m talking about:

If you do find it was a local and not global field, to make sure the field is global, just do the following:

  1. Go to your project, and find and edit the field, turning ON that “Add to field library” checkbox near the bottom of the edit field screen.
  2. Go to your My Tasks, click to add a field, then instead of creating one, choose from the library. Find the field that you made into a global field, and add it that way. Now the data will be shared between your project and your My Tasks.

Try that out and let me know what you find. :slight_smile: