Getting notification when a task in created in a project for a list of member

The project owner would get a notification whenever a new task is created in a project. But is it possible to add other members to get this notification too? Now we use a custom rule to add that member as a collaborator in every task but then the collaborator gets a notification in the inbox for every comment. So it would be good to add a list of members to get a new task-created notification in the inbox? (or this is a feature already enabled that we just missed?)

Actually only the people that have that specific notification for that project get it. The owner might not. Open a project > click on the members list at the top and go into the notification settings.

When you invite someone in a project, there is a checkbox in the invitation dialog to decide whether or not they should be notified when a new task is created.

Yes indeed, I would usually strongly advise against this. You’ll wake up in 6 months with people complaining they get too many notifications.


Thanks for the information! I got the notification settings now, my big eyes :smiley: Big thanks!

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