Get Time Entries by User and by Project

Dear API Team!

In our product Bridge24 for Asana, we developed a Time panel to display all time entries for a set of tasks using the function “Get time tracking entries for a task”. However, some clients would like to have time entries by user, regardless of the projects or tasks.

Can you add a new function in the API called “Get time tracking entries for a user”?. You could also create one called “Get time tracking entries for a project”.



Another suggestion can be to add a filter to the “search” api, to only get tasks that contains time entries.


Hi @Daniel_Raymond and @Frederic_Malenfant!

Thank you for your suggestions. Please take a moment to fill out this form to submit your suggestions directly to our API team!

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I agree with @Daniel_Raymond
The ability to create timesheets by user and by project would be a great addition.


Is there any progress on this?
I need to get hours logged by a user for some duration. How can I get it?