I’m using “Get tasks from a project” API for store data into my database.
when I call that API that returned not sorted data
I need to check Task gid is in database exist or not
but when I call api that return like this
example :
gid : 10
gid : 11
gid : 9
offset : next key
if there is not sort function, I should be call api until that api return no offset data for compare my database. because I have not ensure data consistency
or please let me know, “Get tasks from a project” API have any default return order rules?
like creation time or modify time or complete time etc…
That endpoint does not guarantee any particular return order of tasks.
To get tasks in a particular order of your choosing, you should instead use the Search API. As you can see in the docs, it lets you specify a sort_by parameter.
(Note that unlike most other endpoints, this one doesn’t provide pagination; instead you have to do your own pagination as explained in the “Pagination” section of the docs there.)