Get started with Asana Intelligence features

Hey everyone!

Karl here from the Customer Success Team at Asana. Check out this ‘How Asana uses Asana’ video and post on how you can use all new Asana Intelligence features!

If you want to learn more about leveraging Asana Intelligence, check out these additional resources:

Let us know below if you have any additional tips for how you’re using any of these functionalities. We’d love to hear it!


Video does not play.

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Would love to see this video but the controls to play it are locked.

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I’ve notified the forum moderators of the video issue.


Hi @Phil_Seeman, thank you for the flag :slight_smile:
I changed the format of the video URL so that it plays.


Still isn’t working on my end - appears to just be a GIF of the video

@Warner_Boin_Dowlearn, thank you for letting us know!
It’s strange, the video embed worked last week but not today.
I edited the post to include the bear URL. Please try copy-pasting it to the address bar:

Thank you! This works perfectly now!


Hi everyone and thanks for reporting the issues to play the video! I’ve gone ahead and created a new link so you should be able to play it directly here in the Forum :slight_smile: I have also removed the references to the Loom link to avoid any confusion.

Thanks again for your patience!