Forms: language in form fields

If we create a form, the fields are automatically pre-populated with english text (ex. “Enter your name”). Is there a way to choose what language you want in these pre-populated text fields?

I am wondering if this is an easy change in Asana to allow the user to put in the language of their choice in the field. As a bilingual organization, it is important to our users that we give fully bilingual user experiences and this limits our ability to provide that.

Hi @Kenna_Robins, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us!

This is a very good request and I’ll make sure to update this thread as soon as we have plans to launch this feature!

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I have a similar problem.
Although my selected language in the profile settings/display is set on “English”, the prepopulated answer fields of a form I just created still show up in German (I am from Austria, so maybe the IP??).
As I am sending the form to an english speaker, that causes problems.
Can I change the language somewhere?

Or would actually someone who’s computer is set to english language see the form with the right prepopulated answers in English?

I would like to be able to create a project form in multiple languages so those submitting can choose which language they prefer. This would not create a second form, although that would also be nice, but just be a label of the same description that is overlaid to display another language with a language select dropdown at the top of the form.

Hi @Jeff.barkun, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile: