This is what I would like to do and cannot seem to find an answer:
- Project Requester submits form
- I see project request
- I create the project (or is it automatically created?)
From what I can tell, I have to create the project before the form is submitted? Please help!
Hi @Angi_Moore and welcome to the forum. This a great question. The individual projects are NOT created automatically via a form submission. Since forms are part of every Asana project, when someone fills out your form, it will only show up as a new task in the project it is connected to. Create Forms in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide
If your intention is to create a new project, based on you approving a project request (via a form), I would simply create a project called “New Project Request Submissions”. Then in this project, create a form which will be linked to just this project. Then every submission of the form will be populated back into this project as a task.
You can then review and decide on next steps. If you want to proceed with opening a new project, I would recommend to either (1) convert the task submission to a project Task actions: create, move, duplicate, and more | Product guide • Asana Product Guide or (2) use a template to open up a new project and link the form submission back to the new project Connecting Your Work Across Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide
Hope this helps!
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Also Zapier could easily be used to achieve what you need I believe.