Form submission notification email

I have created a form and included the email field. When users submit requests through the form it is hit and miss if they receive the email confirmation. If they submit the form with one option it may work and then they try another option and no confirmation is sent.
Any advice?

Hi @Darren_Murphy, welcome to the Asana Community Forum!

The email confirmation is only sent to the email address added to the Email field, users need to make sure they type their email correctly so the email is correctly send :slight_smile: Can you confirm what is the other option they are trying and they are not receiving an email confirmation after submitting the form?

Hi Emily -

This makes the form functionality somewhat useless. I need to know when a form comes in, so I may address it right away.

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@anon89320051 did you know that you can designate a default assignee for each Form submission?

You should definitely define that using an email option or drop in a form will prompt an email to send a copy of the form to that email versus applying an email address for informational use (in the future) for the user the form submission is intended for. In my case, I had the email option on the form and description instructed it was for internal billing use. Well, without knowing a copy of the form would be sent automatically to the entered email, we had 50+ forms entered with special ordering information and other pricing details that now the customer has access to since a copy of the form was sent there. The instructions for each option need to be described better. For this case, I removed the email field and entered a short text option/ drop to enter the email. I am hoping this fixed the problem as this could turn into a major issue down the line if customers can see the form submitted and all the details (the form is supposed to be for internal use only). Please direct me to a customer service rep for Colorado premium tier customers if this needs more attention or if my steps taken are unfinished and need more revision. Thank you.


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