Files for Teams (Files section at Team Level)

Currently, there is a ‘file’ section for each project that shows all files in that project.

However, when Asana is used by Agencies where each ‘Team’ is actually a Client, would be great to have a central repository of files for each Client. This was when viewing the Team/Client overview, there would be a file section that shows files from all projects in that team (even archived ones).

Yes, you could create a, References or Files project for client and manually add each file that a well, but that would be an aweful lot of extra work for what would seem to be a common use case.


The Team page would be a great fit for this “Team Files” tab :slight_smile: Let’s hope this is something we can build in the future!


I’m surprised this feature doesn’t have more votes! @Chris_Chiera I’m also at an agency where each team is a client.

@Marie Do you know if we can expect this to happen anytime soon? I don’t want to see all files for all projects within the team (that’s excessive) but files uploaded to team-level Conversations would be great!

Hey @Justine_D, I don’t have an update on this topic at the moment, but I’ll keep you posted as soon as I do!

I came to the forum specifically to look for this feature request and vote for it. In my team’s case, I’d like to have a place to put a quick reference image/PDF of our project naming and color coding convention. So, either a files section or key resources on the team level.

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One of the smaller improvements that could have a massive impact, is the ability to add files to the team as opposed to just the project.

There are so many use cases for this and one of the things that could bridge the gap between what I call “static” information e.g. standard operating procedures, and “dynamic” information e.g. Asana and the task-oriented approach.

Integrations with Drive, Dropbox etc… already exist for projects and tasks, so I would imagine that implementing this addition would be a very short and inexpensive development sprint. In fact, a quick google search shows that this feature may have existed at one point.

Hello @CreativeNorthMedia, I have merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don‘t forget to upvote.
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