In the last couple of days I’ve noticed that the copy fields in Asana are now formatted in boxes. Is that something that I can manually change in Asana on my end to appear how it used to appear last week? I liked the old way because it helped me visualize spacing for how many words for all the fields, etc. Wondering if this is an Asana-wide change or if I have the ability to revert it back to how it used to be.
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Hi @Emily_Stratman and welcome to the forum,
What you’re seeing is part of an A/B test that Asana is currently running. You randomly happen to be in the group that got the change.
When the test is done, Asana will determine whether to push it out to everyone or roll it back to the old way for everyone. It’s not possible to opt out of the A/B test, so you’ll just have to be patient and see what happens at the end of the test (and in your case, hope that it gets rolled back!).
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