Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
Steps to reproduce:
Attempt to configure Jira Server to connect to Asana
Browser version:
Chrome, version 102
Upload screenshots below:
Get this response from attempting to connect Jira Server to Asana:
invalid_request: The redirect_uri parameter does not match a valid url for the application.
I am continuously getting this error for last few days while authenticating users using OAuth. This was working fine when this issue appeared all of a sudden. I have tried everything that came to my mind including restarting the app, redeploying my app even creating a new sample app, but the problem won’t go away.
I wanted to check if this is not an issue from Asana, as other people might be facing same…
As such we are unable to connect the two systems… Can you please advise?
My organization is seeing this bug as well. Would love to find out a way to troubleshoot.
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Hi @Jamie_Phillips_RAPP , @Taylor_Cohen , thanks for flagging this!
I’d suggest reaching out to our Support team so that they can take a closer look at this for you.
You can find them by following the steps below:
We are here to help! Our Support Team can be contacted following these steps:
To create a support ticket:
Please go to
Click the chat icon at the bottom right
Type in your issue (or you can go ahead and write “speak to an agent”)
We will ask you some details about your query to understand what you need and will offer you a solution, as well as give you the option to create a support ticket.
[Contact support]
I hope this helps!
hi i have already created a support ticket ref: 630692
hi an update, today we had to restart Jira Server due to other issues, coincidentally i also in asana the jira link seemed to be working again so now we can create and link jiras. Not sure if this is a solution, or something in asana fixed itself but if there’s anyone else struggling then try a jira reboot.
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23 July 2022 06:25
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