Exporting projects including comments

Is it possible to export a project and have ALL the info carried over, including the comments on individual tasks?

We use ASANA regularly for staff onboarding and checking pre-employment and induction activities, but after this is complete we have a single staff record that is kept on another system that we need to be able to keep a record of all onboarding checks and activities information in.
I’m not keen on the .csv option, even if it could include comments as it is not easy to follow, however I find that the print to PDF version (which would be my preference from the options available) does not include the comments either (and also prints out as teeny tiny font size!), which leaves out a lot of key info in our processes.

This would also solve the issue I currently have in not being able to use the export function as a report for certain people I do work for who cannot access ASANA.

Grateful for any advice on this.


Hi @Jill_Buchan and welcome to the Forum!

What you are saying is correct, at the moment our CSV and PDF options don’t include comments.

One option to export a Project including comment could be via our API (https://asana.com/developers/api-reference/tasks#stories

You could also try bridge24.com/asana integration, where you can export your tasks, subtasks, comments and documents to Excel or CSV.

I hope this helps! Have a nice week!


Trying to do that is terrible. Almost need to be a programmer to use bridge 24… Asana needs to improve asap.


Yes, we really need the ability to export all projects, tasks and associated comments.


Any plans to get ability to export comments with projects released in 2021?!


FYI, for anyone interested, here’s a simple PHP script that uses the Asana API to export all the tasks and comments for a given project to a CSV: GitHub - rkaiser0324/export-asana: Use the Asana API to export Asana tasks and comments to HTML

It’s bare bones but developers may find this useful if they want to roll their own solution.

Hello. Since 2019 has it been any development about this topic? In my case I really need to export the project and it is taking hours to do that

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What is taking hours? The export itself? Because the current thread is about exporting comments.

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Hello. In this case I have a section with 11 tasks and subtasks. Each one has comments and photos took from a site construction. Each one have a priority and different people in charge.
Then a need to create a report in pdf format (including photos, comments, subtasks).
Worse yet, after all that I have to merge pdfs in order to send only one file. Yes, it has been taking hooourrrsss

For your specific case @Mauro_Kusznir I would recommend having a custom export tool made: you could give the tool a task URL and it would generate a webpage with all that info so you can PDF-print the page! You’ll save hours of work, and I can be the one to help :hugs: let me know.

I am sorry. I am not following.
You said: “having a custom export tool made”: neve heard of it. What tool?
“you could give the tool a task URL”: How?
Is there any post/comment/tutorial about it?

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Sorry for not being clear. When Asana does not have a specific feature, or your needs are too specific, you can have a developer (like myself) develop a tool that will improve Asana capabilities. For example I created tools to see all your custom fields, all your tags, clean up subtasks…

The tool I had in mind would ask for a task link, and then as a result would give you the consolidated export you are looking for in a matter of seconds.

Is this clearer?