Printing or Exporting Project with Notes, conversations

Is there a way to print projects with all notes and comments?

I have exported and I have printed to pdf, but I am only getting the tasks and subtasks. The notes or Progress notes, etc do not export or print.

Hi @Kim_Silverthorn,

If you use Print Project:

you should see the Notes (Description) for each task, but not Comments, nor Project Progress.

If you use Print a Task:

you should see the task’s Notes (Description) and Comments, but you can only print one task at a time.

You might find Asana2Go more flexible in some ways, though it won’t print Project Progress or Comments.

Larry Berger
Asana2Go & Asana Certified Pro consultant at Trilogi

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Is this something that Asana would consider adding to the premium version? It would be very important to us to retain all comments, conversations, and Progress with notes and comments.


I just want to join Kim and say that it would be very useful to be able to print/export Conversations and Progresses…


Thanks Daniel, our company will not purchase until we can do this. We are watching and have not received any replies or comments until yours. I am hoping they are seeing this.

My problem is that, when I try to print a Task, Asana does not provide me with the information about the activity dates. I only have a long list of “comments” without any indication on the exact time where those updates where made. In my case this is important.
Because I cannot find any other solution, I ask my team to insert dates manually… and they hate me for that !
In my search for a solution I found your great Asana2go chrome extension. This is doing some amazing stuff, but I did not found out yet how to create a solution for my problem. Is this possible with some custom report ?
Any other ideas from the community ?

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@Simion_ILIE, I don’t see any other workaround right now besides what you’re doing. It seems like Asana should be printing each comment’s date since they do print each comment’s author; not sure if this broke or somehow was never included???

Thanks for the nice comment on Asana2Go but you’re correct, it can’t help in this particular instance.

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10x for your time! I appreciate a lot your effort! I hope ASANA will change that very soon. I find any reason for not doing so.


Another +1 for timestamp Comments on print! Like Simion_ILIE I’m going to have to manually input date… Note very “Asana”


I ran across this while testing Asana. Cannot see at all what use it it to not have option to print comments and export. Makes it all a waste of time. Why bother adding status notes etc? Seriously needs to be added. If I use a tool and cannot get my data out - when I need to - it is something I need to pass by. Big oversight IMO

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Date/time stamp when printing vs. manual would be a great improvement.