even though project is deleted, open tasks occur

Unfortunately the ’normal way’ of asking for help via the support site does not work. I receive the error site „authentication error“, when wanting to get in touch with the support team.

But nevertheless, I hope it works with this email here.
I do have the following problem:

I made a new project out of a template for our team. I made a mistake in the due date of the project and needed to delete it. Very unfortunately, even though I deleted the project, the To-Dos of it are still incoming in the list of my tasks - and that’s the case for all the other project participants as well.

Can you please help me, that the ‚open tasks‘ get really/finally deleted and disappear?

Thank you in advance (and I hope my English ist ok and you understand what I mean),

Welcome, @Jana_Jennewein,

Here are two posts of mine that I think will address your issues, but if not, please reply again in this thread and we can attempt to address further:

