Editing Team Member Names

Hello Team Asana,

When I defined my team members and invited them I thought I was being clever and listed their names as LastName, FirstName. Now that I see how Asana works and that it uses first initials to list the team members in a little colored globe I find that all my team is backwards–(i.e., Michael Scott is listed as “SM”, etc.)

I understand from reading through the posts that editing of email addresses existing team members is not doable but can I edit the names and change them to FirstName, Lastname to resolve this issue? I have not yet been able to determine how to do this. Any suggestions appreciated.



They have to change their own names in their profile, I don’t think you can do it.

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Thank you Caisha for the quick and concise reply. Much appreciated!


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Curious if there’s been any update on this? I’ve invited some external freelancers and they have just signed in with their email address, so every time I mention them in a thread, it pulls their whole email. I’d love to be able to edit their name for them.

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I have the same use case as Ryan. This is especially problematic when the user’s email address does not include their full name. I’m hoping there is an easy fix for this.

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Hi, is there any answer / update from Asana on this matter? As an Administrator of an Organization, we should be able to update the names of all users within the Organization.
@asana looking for your answer. Thank you!


Yep! And mine are just wildly inconsistent from First Middle Last name, to email, to community handle … My sanity is asking you to let me edit team member names, please!

I second this, some members have lower case titles for their names which is bugger my OCD. Can we get away for Admin to be able to control this. Ridiculous having to ask users to change it.

Adding my voice. I agree, it’s ridiculous that can’t change and isn’t fixed!

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This thread started 2017. I am main account holder (Admin). It seems still no response from Asana people? We have a position of Project Manager on our team. But now we have a new project manager (different human) who has taken the role and will be taking over the communications and tasks related to this role. Need to change to new human’s name. I was hoping I could do it before she starts. Asking her to do it is awkward. “Welcome to your new job, sorry we are calling you by this other old name…” It reflects poorly on the system we chose (Asana)!


Fully agree with everyone. Admins should be able to update names in the system. It is now nearing the end of 2019 and I still don’t see Asana interacting about this, let alone correcting it. Heeeellllllllooooo out there Asana. Sigh!

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I would love this feature. It seems like a no-brainer for company administrators to be able to administer all aspects of their company account. The fact that we are 2 years after this thread started with no comment from Asana doesn’t bode well.

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I still can’t edit my team member’s name and surname. I need connect to the team member’s computer to update info.

Another 18 months tics by and no response from Asana…?

Hi everyone! This is a quick update to let you know this feature is currently available to Admins :slight_smile:

If you are an Admin in your Organization, you can access the Admin Console > Members > Select “Edit profile settings” to edit a member’s full name.

I hope this helps!

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