Display Workspace name in Tab display title on Desktop App

As someone who belongs to multiple workspaces under one email (in both my professional email and personal email) it would be helpful to have the display title on tabs in the desktop app reflect the workspace.

Right now tabs, other than the inbox, say “My Tasks - Asana” or “[insert project name] - Asana”. This seems silly, redundant, and a waste of perfectly good real estate - I’m in the Asana desktop app so I know I’m in Asana and I don’t need a reminder.

It would be much more helpful if the tab could display “My Tasks - [insert workspace]” or if space is an issue, use the icon for the workspace or let us pick a color to denote which tab belongs to what workspace.

The inbox tab already shows the workspace name and the title of a message.

It would also be super cool if the tabs could have some sort of alert/stats like number of notifications or number of overdue tasks to help us fight fires faster.

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