Display start time in calendar view

Hi all,

currently I sync my tasks to my outlook calendar which is working pretty good.
But it would be nice that if I set a due time for example between 10-13 o’clock that this task would be visible at this time slot in my calendar.

Currently all tasks are getting synced as all day events so its just visible on top of the calendar.


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Hi @LR_Lukas_Rosner Welcome to the Asana Community forum and thank you so much for taking some time to give us feedback.
We already have an existing thread so I’ve merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:

Hi :slight_smile:

alright thank you very much!

Hello, is there any update with this issue? I am still struggling with the same problem, I cannot see start time in calendar view but only end time rendering it useless for meetings or any scheduled event/task. Please let me know if there are any developments to this or if I can do anything on my own to resolve this issue. Thanks.


I’m also hoping for a resolution allowing start and end times to be visible in calendar view. This doesn’t apply to all of my tasks, but it’s really important where it’s needed.

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Hi Lisa,

Try setting the start date as well.

On the picture you provided, it looks like you added a start time and end date and time, but not a start date, hence it won’t show in your start time.

Asana requires you to specify the entire duration of your appointment including start date.

Try setting an appointment with all fields specified.

Hope this helps!


Hi there,

I’m having trouble with this, have tried this way and it still shows just the due date and time…

Really would be great to have it sorted as a feature!

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Same issue here. All the fields are filled correctly, but it still shows end time and not start time on the calendar. We wanted to have the Asana calendar view on our projector for our whole team to keep track of meetings and tasks, but this makes it pretty useless unfortunately. Any fixes planned?

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Hi there - I can see from the comment history this is a low priority feature / update for users - and has been sitting in the customer feedback triage section since August 2021.

As good as Asana is at managing tasks / storing information that you need to complete a task in one place, not being able to see a daily schedule for when you can tackle those tasks alongside the other events in your Google calendar is super painful.

Appreciate this will be a challenge because you’ve enabled a bunch of task attributes that don’t necessarily translate into calendar events etc. But I actually don’t need to access the event information from Asana, I can do that in my calendar. What I do need - is to have a visual representation of my calendar in my Asana Calendar so that I can assess what time I can handle the Asana tasks that I’ve been assigned - and then see when I can assign tasks to my team.

HourStack for example allows an Asana integration that means I can drag and drop my Asana tasks into my calendar alongside my scheduled events, but this feature would fit better in Asana as then I don’t have to use lots of different pieces of software to manage scheduling. Ideally it would just be my Google Calendar ↔ Asana.

Of course - it’s possible that you’re building Asana for more technical teams for whom it isn’t so relevant to have times in the day allocated to specific tasks - in which case, that would also be good to know so that I can work out if we actually do need to look for an alternative solution to Asana, because this problem isn’t going away - and I can see it’s been in your backlog for 18 months.

Can you share any insight into your triage process for customer feedback & feature requests so that we can manage accordingly?

Hi @Rebecca_McGrath - Are there any updates on this? I can’t imagine it would be that complicated to add an option to display the start time on calendar view. It would be helpful and really appreciated to know if there are any plans to work on this or if it will be put on a side for now, that way we don’t keep waiting on this feature.


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Sad that Asana didn’t add such a simple feature after 2 years, will use another app till this gets added

Hello! Just following up to see if there has been progress on this request?

Having the allotted time per task in the calendar view of “my tasks” would be a great help in transitioning our team over to working more frequently on Asana, as they rely mostly on Google Calendar and other platforms currently for time blocking, and Asana is separate.

Let us know if there is any way to better clarify or move this along as it would be a major asset!

@Nao_Kumazaki @Marie Hey guys!

Just wanted to check if there has been any progress on this or if there are any plans to work on it?

I keep getting requests from people in my org to fix this.


Not that I’m aware of @Esteban_Giannini, but I’ll keep you posted here as soon as I have an update!

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