Display Due date in the same format


How can I show the due date in the same format?

  • Why is it showing “Sunday” (instead of 03 May 2024)
  • why are some dates not showing the year e.g: “24 Jan” or “18 Mar - 31 May”

Thanks in advance.


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Hello @Niels_Oomen

This is expected behaviour.
The year appears when your start date and end date are in two different years
When it is the same year, and it is current year, the YYYY wont show.
The example with the red underline is showing the YYYY because it is in the past.

The day of the week appears when it is the day from the current we are in.

I hope this helps.


Hi @Rashad_Issa

Thanks for the clarification. When it is within the same year I can understand.
But the case of Sunday I do no understand. It can be by design, but then I would challange the design, because a “Sunday” is not a clear date.

Hi @Niels_Oomen

Of course. I understand your point of view.
You can create a new post under product feedback and enter your feedback about removing the day view from the date and keep it standard full date view and upvote it.

This will allow others to vote it up as well and hopefully it gets picked up by Asana dev team.


@Niels_Oomen - consider giving this request an upvote:


Ah well spotted @Stephen_Li this already existing feedback request.
Thanks for sharing it!

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