Hello all!
I’m looking for a developer that can work with me to integrate Asana into our business’s current workflow with Google Apps(Google Sheets mostly). I don’t think this is the proper place to be asking for this, but if anyone can point me in the right direction where I can find a developer for this, that would be most appreciated.
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Hi @David_Meffe! @Matt_Bramlage and @Jeff_Schneider at Asana may be able to point you in the right direction. @Todd_Cavanaugh and @paulminors may be appropriate, as well.
I don’t know of anyone, but could you talk more about what specifically you’re trying to do @David_Meffe
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Thanks @Alexis! and Thanks @paulminors.
Essentially, I’ve got fairly extensive Google Sheet workbook that I work from to manage everything. it kind of acts like a database. I’ve recently started using Asana to track my Tasks, To’dos and record of events for each project/tasks in the Workbook. I was hoping that I could dive into Asana’s Custom fields and work solely from Asana and have it interact with my “database”. I hope that makes sense.
Can Asana integrate with google sheets so that Asana’s tasks and custom fields can be synced to specific sheet/column?
Hi @David_Meffe - have you taken a look at Asana’s documentation about Google Sheets? Let us know if you have follow up questions.
Hi @Alexis - I have looked at that documentation. It’s not what I’m attempting to do.
Hi @David_Meffe - if that is the case, then it sounds like we don’t yet offer the specific functionality you’re looking for. That said, this is something you can likely set up using a custom integration or (in an even more customized way) the Asana API Asana Developers - API, Documentation & Community Support • Asana .
That’s excatly what I’m looking for… someone who can build a custom integration using the Asana API and Google’s API
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Hi @David_Meffe. At this time we don’t have a process for referring customer to developers or a “certified developer” program for instance (although that could be a neat idea for the future!). I recommend that you utilize other channels such as an outsourcing site to find a developer to work with. @Matt_Bramlage may have something to add, as well.
@David_Meffe You might try https://www.upwork.com and ask specifically for Google API/Asana API experience or at least Google API. I had Sendana built by a Microsoft MVP (not from Upwork) that did not know the Asana API but ended up building a great product. Their are Google API programmers on Upworks.
https://www.upwork.com/hire/asana-freelancers/ I have not used these in particular but my CSV to PDF free generator came from Upworks. Just make sure you do a thorough interview over skype and I would start with a small project first.
Hi @David_Meffe, you may think to develop a tool (a click on a button) or a scheduled cron that may pull records from custom fields of your projects from Asana to google spreadsheet using Asana API. I have done such tools for one of my clients at upwork.
Ya, I supposed it could work in that fashion as well.
In a perfect world, I’d like a two-way sync of data.
David Meffe
a program for “certified developer” what a good idea 
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