Default layout saves open lists of sub-tasks

Just started using Asana and the fact that I can’t display subtasks by default makes the entire subtask feature unusable.


As recently as a month ago, @Emily_Roman posted that a similar request is not under consideration at this time, so I suspect that this isn’t happening in the foreseeable future. However, the use of bookmarklets has been mentioned in other posts as a workaround for expanding all subtasks at once, and I have found it to be useful at times. It doesn’t do what we’re asking for in this thread, but it’s better than clicking on every task with subs in it. This only works when using the web interface, FYI.

Agree this is standard in ClickUp and other tools! Would love to see this released in 2024!!

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This would be helpful for my team as well.


I would also like this enhancement.

We are starting to use this tool to collaborate and track progress on a recurring project. Our teams collaborate on many tasks across multiple departments within our company. I own a critical task with a short time frame, and stringent deadline.

It is important for my task to be aware of any delays that may potentially impact my deadline.

As a solution, I’d like to create milestone subtasks, then set the milestones as my dependencies, rather than the end of the task. This solution is not currently useful. It is difficult to know the progress of the preceding milestones since they are visible on neither the Gantt nor timeline charts.

The addition of a “Expand/Collapse” feature would be beneficial to improving our process flow.
Thank you.

Welcome, @Paul_Soto1,

If you weren’t already aware, you can add just those milestone subtasks to the parent project (in the task detail pane showing the milestone subtask, use the Tab+P shortcut). That may be a good workaround for you.



I would also like this feature.


We need this feature as soon as possible , I want to see all tasks including substasks without the need to open it 1 by 1

@Marie @Bastien_Siebman @Andrea_Mayer @Bastien_Siebman @Emily_Roman @Kara_Durden

No need to remind us, the Product team will look at the Forum and use the thread here as one source to decide on priority :slight_smile:

Am I reading this long thread correctly? It looks like this has been requested for the last four years but still isn’t available? I’d very much like to piggy back on requesting this. I had this feature at and it made life so much easier.