Default assignee

Hi everyone :wave:t2: Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

We hear you and understand how having a default assignee option would be helpful. There is a couple of ways to achieve having a default assignee depending on where you are working in Asana:

  1. You can create tasks from the Quick Add button so the task is always assigned to you. You can easily add this task to any project at the same time the task is being created by filling in the Project button. (14)

  1. You can set up Rules in your projects to automatically assign tasks to you when a specific action is taken. For example, new task added to project β†’ automatically assign to yourself. (15)

  1. You can create tasks from your My Tasks so it’s automatically assigned to you. If you would like to then add this task to a project, you can do so by using the Tab + P shortcut.

I hope this helps! Please feel free to create a separate thread in the #productfeedback category with more details and your use case if the option you would like to see implemented is currently not available :slightly_smiling_face: