Dashboard on mobile

Hey anybody know how i can cast the dashboard from my mobile device? I can’t seem to find the dashboard in the mobile app


Hi Jon! At this time we cannot view dashboards from the mobile app. For all project details or my tasks details in the mobile app, just click the drop down arrow next to the project title (or my tasks title) at the top of the screen. If you’d like to request the dashboard in the mobile app, feel free to make a request in the #productfeedback category.

Well you can use Display wall product from Zoapi. That’s what we do for “start-up’s dedicated areas” in community shared workspaces. Just install Zoapi Hub software on any Mini PC, set the home page of the device to your project Asana dashboard. Zoapi Hub integrates with Asana - APIs on its dashboard.
It has web-page viewer as screen saver and hence keeps showing Asana dashboard all the time in the development area. Just check out Zoapi Lite plan, $10/mo.

this would help you it helped me too!

Would be great is the Project Dashboard (available on Desktop) was also available for Mobile


I agree, but hopefully Asana can implement this in the future! They have been active with adding things to the mobile app.

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I hope so, but noticed someone requested the same back in 2017 :grimacing:

Hi @Kat_Ridgway-Taylor, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Thanks for providing this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available right now, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:


Add a universal reporting dashboard feature for mobile viewing. Currently you can only view the universal reporting dashboard on your desktop.

Hi @Bryan_Buckner, thanks for providing this feedback.

While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:

Seniors often don’t have time or access to Asana desktop, so project managers often resort to other tools to report progress and project metrics at a glance for mobile devices. It’s an important feature for Asana’s adoption in organizations like governments and corporations, isn’t it?


Hi @anon57730934 Thank you for providing the feedback. As we already have an existing thread, I merged yours to this thread. Please upvote this thread :slight_smile:


Seniors often don’t have time or access to Asana desktop, so project managers often resort to other tools to report progress and project metrics at a glance for mobile devices. It’s an important feature for Asana’s adoption in organizations like governments and corporations, isn’t it?

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This would be my number one upgrade to ASANA mobile app.

Please enable dashboard view on mobile!


I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.

When will we be able to see the dashboard on mobile? There was a simplified version of this in 2020 when I first began using the product but now I don’t have any way to quickly get a sense of the progress / status of a project on mobile.

I have upvoted this.