Customized rules in My Tasks for Guests

Guests in Business/Enterprise plan can only use the “Due date is approaching → Move task to a certain section” rule in My Tasks, and they can’t create customized My Tasks rules.
This is the same access for Basic/Premium users.

Do guests have the ability to set custom rules on a business tier workspace? - #3 by Emily_Roman says the following, but it seems guests don’t have the access to customized rules.

Guests will be able to create rules in their own My Tasks but not in the projects they are invited to.

Would you double check this behavior and consider the following requests? Thank you in advance!

  1. Would you enable customized rules for guests if that was the intended access?
  2. (If not,) Would you add the guest access information to the documentation
  3. Would you change the message “Upgrade to Business” when the organization/workspace is already in a Business+ plan?

P.S. Everything is fine for project rules.

  1. already says " Guest cannot create or own Rules, but they can trigger Rules.".
  2. The rule editor isn’t displayed in the Customize pane in the first place.
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Hi @ShunS, thanks for reaching out.

Apologies for the miscommunication here. Guests do not have the ability to create Custom Rules in Projects or in My Tasks.

In the Guests FAQ, it does confirm that Guests cannot create or own Rules. This applies to My Tasks too.

I have flagged this with our Product team. This isn’t a bug per-say but the Product team are aware that this copy is confusing. I’ll let you know if I have any updates on this.

Thanks Shun!

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No problem, thank you @Rebecca_McGrath!
If the copy can be updated, that will avoid much confusion :slight_smile:

Hi @ShunS! this is just a quick update to let you know this has been updated and Guests can no longer see the “Create custom rule” option. This will hopefully avoid any confusion as Guests don’t have the ability to create custom rules.

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