Customize Box throwing Warning Flag & Stuck

Hi @Nick_Rivero, thanks for reaching out and reporting this issue! It looks like there are some errors in your Rules that won’t allow them to trigger, and for this reason you see a red warning in the Customize menu. However, you should still be able to open the menu to see what Rules are being affected. I recommend you trying these troubleshooting steps to see if the issue is solved and you can open the menu: Asana supported browsers and troubleshooting steps | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

If the issue persists, as Bastien mentioned, please contact our support team as they have the tools to have a closer look at your account set up: How to contact our Support Team ✉. When you contact them, please share the URL of the projects where you are experiencing the error and the URL of this thread, so you don’t need to repeat the information.

I hope the issue is solved soon! Let us know if you have any other questions.

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