Our custom status field will not display unless the subtask is assigned to the same person as the parent task (or neither is assigned). Is this some sort of settings issue?
Hello @Lisa_Sembach1
Welcome to the forum. What you are explaining should not be the case.
There are few things that could cause this - could you please share how the workflow is operating for the project team not to see custom fields of subtasks?
It’s working with showing the inherited fields… Thank you
Thank you - It is an org wide custom field already.
@Lisa_Sembach1, Whoops, I made a mistake in my prior post so I just deleted it to avoid further confusion. As you discovered, with subtasks, the custom fields are not shown by default in the task detail pane until you click “Show inherited fields.” They can be seen as columns in List view though, if desired.
@lpb Thank you, Larry. What is exceptionally baffling is that the behavior changes with different assignees. The parent task is assigned to me. Once I assign the same project to the subtask, the custom fields show for me, except that some custom fields show as “My tasks fields” and some show as “Fields”. The Status field shows up in “My tasks fields” and there’s another one under “My tasks fields” that I dd not create. The custom fields I created were all created in the same way and they are all in the team library. When I click through team members as assignees, the Status field shows for 3 of them in their “Fields” group automatically. For one team member, the Status field does not show unless I click the “show inherited fields”. Just not understanding the behavior. The project is set up under the team and all team members are on the project with me as admin and all others as editors.
Hi @Lisa_Sembach1,
It’s hard to follow and debug something like this in the Forum, at least for me, so I’ll have to defer to others who might want to try, or feel free to pursue with Support, especially if you feel there’s a problem (I’m not aware of a general issue, though the confluence of all the behaviors can be difficult to follow at times.)
Try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.
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