Custom fields only on subtasks and hidden on Parent Task


Is there a way to have custom fields showing on the subtask pane but not on the parent task?

Our use case:
We are trying to use an asana project as a Linkbuilding Management Tool.
A parent task = our product page we want to build links upon.
A subtask = link opportunity somewhere else.

I have created a few custom fields like Contact Info, Contact Status etc. Since these fields are related to the link opportunity, which is a subtask, I would like them to show in the subtask but be hidden at the parent task since they are distracting.

I’m afraid Asana can’t offer this granularity for custom fields visibility between parent and subtasks, can it?

thank you


Welcome to the forum @Elena_Benito_Ruiz1 !

Not in the same project, but I think this workaround would solve it:

  • Add your subtasks to a separate project, and add the desired custom fields (If you make the existing fields library fields and add those they will keep their values)
  • You’d need to manually add them though with tab + p
  • You could also make the project column visible through options, which would allow you to multi-select subtasks and add them.
  • Remove the custom fields from the “parent” project

Thank you @Jan-Rienk :pray:t2:

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A minor point, but you don’t need the Project column visible if you’d rather not have it so; you can still multi-select the subtasks and do the Add project from the footer multi-select toolbar regardless.




Good point! Always a fan of saving a step. :slight_smile:

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