Creating Task via iMail using not working

I went into my boss’ and my Asana accounts - and created a new workspace, BECAUSE when I emailed our team via iMail using [our company], I got an email message from Asana saying that the email [my company]… could not be sent because it did not know which workspace to send it to .

Soooo I created a new Workspace for me in my account, and in my boss’ account, but I think that was the wrong thing to do How do I delete the new ‘workspace’ that I just created, so I can hook up our Asana workspace email to our only Workspace.

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Hi @nyprosell,

To resolve this issue, you need to make sure that the address your using to send your email is tied to an account in your Organisation. For example, if I work at and want to email a task in my Asana organisation, I’ll need to send this email to from (which is the email tied to my Asana account). If the email address you’re using isn’t tied to Asana account member of your Organisation, you will automatically get this message. More info in this article from our Guide!

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