Converting Project to Template

I created a template as a project - how do i turn it into a template?

Hi @anon71012791! To convert a Project to a Template you can navigate to the project menu and choose the corresponding option:


Then you will be able to choose it from Templates when creating a new project.

Please let me know if this answers your question.


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Well That was easy! Thanks so much. One other question, in terms of assigning a task is there a way to assign to a department versus an individual - is there a way to create departments in the drop down menu of project assigness

Hi @anon71012791! Happy to help :slight_smile:

In terms of assigning a task - currently it is only possible for a task to have one assignee. What you can do is either…

  1. Add other team members as collaborators so that they could follow the task progress:

…or you can

  1. Assign duplicate tasks so that everyone in the team would get a copy of the same task assigned to them:


Then you can assign duplicates of this iask to everyone in a department (team):


Hope this helps!
