Completed task filter for three weeks is gone

For some reason, the menu to filter out completed tasks from the past 3 weeks is gone… WHY?

I know you can do a custom search, but there is no option to see the results as anything but a list or calendar and I need to see them as a board with the custom fields viewable (also not an option). I could start applying tags to tasks, but you cannot automate tagging… I could set a date as a custom field that sets the date based on the complete date, but no automations for date fields… It’s really awful to have features removed when they are critical to my team.

Here is a picture of what the menu used to look like that I’m missing.

Welcome, @Derek_Piech,

Actually, the feature wasn’t removed, just moved and implemented a little differently now that it’s combined with even more powerful functionality.

See my answer below, but in your case apply the filter for “All incomplete tasks” to see what you want:



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I had seen the new filter, and it’s not working the way I require it to, nor how the old version did.

Can you please show me how you would set the filter to only display tasks that have been completed in the past two or three weeks?

Thank you.

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Sorry for not understanding your request completely; I’ve changed the thread title to be more clear.

That covers, I believe, two weeks, but they’ve removed three weeks as an option.

Remember to add your vote at the top here.



This is still unresolved. Your filter only works on list view, not board view. Why on earth would they have different filter options?

I can build a clunky time consuming workaround since at least I can filter to two weeks, but such rigid constraints seem arbitrary. If you can have a button for two weeks, why not one for three? Why not a custom range?


Asana’s feature release approach often is to roll out features early and add other “surfaces” later, for better or worse.

Asana’s design approach is to favor simplicity, I’d say, again for better or worse.

I don’t always agree with particular decisions either, but overall I’m glad I chose Asana over ten years ago and realize I have to accept the good with the bad, attempting to influence where I can.



Just so we’re clear. The resolution is that I’m correct, the function my team was using (and relying on) has been removed. There is no comment from Asana officially about any future expectation of it being restored.

I am not glad I chose asana, and I wish we had gone with click up. I have been on asana for 5 years, and it constantly falls short of my expectations when compared to competitors.