Comments and attachment count show on task row main window

It will be great if we can have three small columns on the tasks that show:

number of subtasks in the task
number of comments in the task
number of attachments in the task
This will help you to have a very quick idea exactly what and how much is happening under the hood of each project.
I am thinking that those three small, narrow columns are at the right of each task, just before or instead of the small arrow that appears when something is happening in the task.

Hi @IvanStaykov, thank you for your feedback. In fact, this is something we’ve been working on for some time and will be launching soon! While we don’t have a timeframe to share yet, I can tell you that you will be able to view the number of subtasks and comments in a task in the near future. The number of attachments will not be included in this first launch, but I will make sure your feedback gets to our Product Team for a future update! :slight_smile:


Great, thank you! Great news, caught me off guard :slight_smile:

Hi @IvanStaykov,

As part of Introducing our new Spreadsheet-Inspired List View! - #35 by Chris_B we’ve launched an indicator for subtasks, so I’ve gone ahead and slightly edited the title of this thread to reflect this change.

Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

Hi all, closing this thread out since comments and attachments are now indicated on the project task list!