📆 Collaborative agenda with Asana clients

My new favorite habit when working with a new client in Asana is to setup a project together where we list all the topics we want to discuss. We keep updating the list during the session and we wrap the session with a very clear view of what we discussed, and what needs to be addressed!

Any other tip when working with a client you consult with?


I usually create a team for us to work together, and a main project of tasks to do/done, and references.



Same Larry

I create an Asana Sandbox team with several starter project showing the functionality of Asana and a Asana 101 project for training.

Great idea! Keeps them in Asana. Builds good habits.

We have “starting tasks” during onboarding and walk partners through step-by-step.

For example, during the first meeting, we’ll say “we’re going to assign you a task to schedule your next meeting, check your inbox/my tasks section for the notification.” assigns task “Now schedule your next meeting with the provided link in the description of the task.” they schedule in real-time “great, now complete the task.” - they get wow’d…you get the point. :slight_smile: